Monday, August 20, 2012

31 Days to a Better Photo: Day 2

So, its been a long time since I have blogged...too long. I've had a few ups and downs over the past few months including two weddings (the ups!) and two deaths (the downs). One of those deaths was my grandmother...a woman that I have been close to all my life. We were more like friends than family and she meant the world to me. Because of losing her, I have had a difficult time doing the "normal" things in keeping up with my blog. 

I am slowly coming back to reality...and my camera is helping me find my passions again. I figured there was no better way to get back at it then to continue on with the 3 days to better photo. 

Day 2 requires that you read your camera manual...and this was NOT easy! Can you say BORING! LOL! But, I did learn quite a bit about my camera, so that's good. There were buttons on there that I didn't use because I really didn't know what they were for. I also learned how to take a picture of a waterfall and make it look soft...I've ALWAYS wanted to be able to do that!! 

The truth is, I learned (by total accident!!) a few nights ago what cool photos you can get by using a slow shutter speed! Wanna see?

This one I left in color...I thought it was pretty cool! (This is my nephew, by the way!)

But I REALLY liked it in black and white!

And here is another nephew...

And my youngest (Nick) making "squiggles" with his sparkler.

The fire that we sat around...

And one of the sausages that got roasted...yummmmm!!!

Well, that's all I have for you today. Hopefully I will blog a lot sooner than last time! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Love, Patricia 

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Hey! That is so cool and what a fun challenge. Have hardly had time to read and comment, but I just had to on this one...what neat that b/w one, turned out beautifully.ff